Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yes, I Let Her Do It

Put blue and pink tips in her hair, that is. It's just for summer and she has to cut it off before summer band starts, but what the hell? She's a seriously awesome all-around good kid. If the worst thing I have to worry about is her hair, I got nothin' to complain about. At. All.

Of course, it does kind of look like maybe I might have gotten drunk and fucked a parrot once up on a time...


Anonymous said...

That was you with the parrot?

Ah, well, to each her own.

Anonymous said...

P.S. She's beautiful. I bet you already knew that.

Romulus Crowe said...

Hey, don't knock it. It could be a lot worse.

At least she hasn't gone for the mohawk...

Dr. Brainiac said...

Yeah Kate, I went through a feathers phase about 17 years or so ago, haha. Thanks. She's beautiful on the inside, too.

Romulus, she wants to do my hair in liberty spikes...that would look really professional in my little shrink shop of horrors, wouldn't it?

Constance said...

The kid turned out pretty good for having a parrot for a father :)

Brunhilda said...

Dammit, doc, that's what you get for having your very own margarita machine. I told ya to stay away from that parrot!

Fantasy Writer Guy said...

{Snort!}. Never trust a smooth-talking parrot.

I have no idea why blue or pink is considered inferior to blonde/brown/auburn or what-not but I guess it's not my place to question the customs of your people, however quaint!

I just assumed that all wavelengths of light were created equal. But you're the neurosurgeon. You probably know a lot more about it than I!