Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Last Lecture

Okay guys, I'm really not dead, just infinitely busy digging out from under 3 cubic fuckloads of work. I promise a nice juicy post soon. In the interim, please entertain yourself with the following. It moved me deeply.



Constance said...

I couldn't watch all of it. It shook me up to much. I got to where he talks about his childhood dreams and having a good childhood - and just lost it...

Enabling the dreams of others... That is a beautiful eulogy. I'm hoping the dcotors are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Are those metric or standard fuckloads?

Fantasy Writer Guy said...

I heard about this a couple months ago and ordered the transcript from the library. Usually material arrives within a week but I guess these documents are in high demand. I'm looking forward to exploring his thoughts. Youtube is a bit of a hassle for me at the moment.
