Monday, May 19, 2008

She Got It!

Okay so (Queso? I love queso!) for the next two years, if you ever come to our little town of Fundietonfieldvilleview, Texas or any of a number of other tiny Texas towns on a Friday night during football season, the girl on the podium - you know - the cute blonde one wearing the cape and directing the band? That will be my very own Girl. That's right. The Girl got drum major and when the announcement was made, she received a standing ovation from the band she'll be leading for the next 2 years. She's worked very hard to earn it, but while she was learning the music she was to conduct for tryouts, she was also helping the other kids who would be competing against her with their conducting skills. She's so amazing. I want to be like her when I grow up.


Constance said...

Excellent ! I am so happy for her - and for you, Dr. Brainiac ! You have a great kid - which essentially means you've also been a great Mom :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Will be sure to watch out for the inevitable news stories about the most in-tune and well-conducted band in all of Texas.

Congratulations, Girl!

Dr. Brainiac said...

Annie, sometimes I wonder if she's a great kid because I got my bluff in early or if she's a great kid just because she's a great kid. Thanks either way.

Naturally Kate I'm completely biased when it comes to the Fundietonfieldvilleview Oddmascot Band, but if The Girl has anything say in the matter, they'll at least be reasonably in tune, in step and well conducted ;o)

Brunhilda said...

How wonderful! Congrats to the girl. You have every right to be very proud of her. :)

Fantasy Writer Guy said...

Please extend my congratulations!