Monday, November 12, 2007

Condemned Cartoon Carnival - Open Season

This week: Open Season

Our first submission this week is once again from ghost hunter Romulus Crowe, noting that it covers "open season," "hunting season," and "in season," all in one shot:

Canned hunts for Everyman:

Someone actually gave The Man one of these last year...

It's safer on the sofa...

Smack-talking hood ornament:

Aaaaand finally, If it's Brown, it's Down:

Next week: Turkey Day

Calling all demons, poltergeists, minions and wraiths: You are hereby commanded by the fires of hell to submit your favorite videos from You Tube, MySpace, your crazy aunt Hattie's attic or wherever for inclusion in my regular feature "Condemned Cartoon Carnival." Wanna play? The rules are simple:

1) The video has to make me laugh - out loud.
b) Bonus points if it's wrong on so many levels that it leaves me in tears.

Although there are no sacred cows, there is one caveat: I am a tough customer, so your quest will not be an easy one.
The videos will be posted bright and skippy every Monday morning, to give everyone a twisted start to the week.

What do you get? Everlasting life via special shoutout in the blog and a link to your blog (if you have one).

Go ahead, submit. You know you want to. Just send your videos or links with your username and a link to your blog to:

tags technorati :


Anonymous said...

How's the postdoc search going?
You might enjoy these 'cartoons' about therapy/analysis.

Dr. Brainiac said...

Hey drsteve - So far so good on the postdoc. Basically I'll be contracting with the same neuropsychologist I've been working for since practicum 6 years ago, but on more of a contract basis. More as things develop.

What cartoons about therapy/analysis? Ew. I don't do therapy - yes, that's rather like a dentist who doesn't pull teeth, but my area of expertise is neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. Say that three times fast!