Friday, August 24, 2007

Just When I Thought It Was Safe

Okay, so (Queso? I love queso!) yesterday I needed to go the cleaners, 20 miles away, and while The Girl & I were out I took her out to eat lunch at Logan's since it will be the last time she has an opportunity to go out to lunch for quite awhile, as school starts Monday. We dropped by a craft store to pick up some gold leaf flakes for a soap I'm making this morning to draw abundance & prosperity when I got an email from my dissertation chair. She wanted to know where my final revisions are, since it's been over a month & all. Gaaaah! I told her that even though the rain has stopped and realistically I'm no longer celebrating, we've had a steady parade of people through here but I'll get it to her with lipstick next week. Gaah...

On a more interesting note, check out the new ebay widget that shows off my soapy lovelies!


Constance said...

Oooh, very pretty, Dr. Shedevil !

I saw your e-bay page, but have to admit that I haze ZERO clue, having never done e-bay, which is a bit like never having seen the Madonna in concert, I know, but...

My favorite of the soaps you mentioned was the citrus sunrise, I think. That sounded yummy ! And you are so sweet to offer to send me some ! How do I pay you for it ? Will it make my skin smell good all day ?

I'm going to go take a shower now, and imagine it !

Hope you have a very good Friday --

Natalia said...

I always wanted to make soap...which is an odd thing to even write. But it's true.


Brunhilda said...

I cannot tell you how much I love my lavender dream. It makes shower time wonderful!

Dr. Brainiac said...

Annie, eBay isn't difficult, but sometimes people contact me directly to buy stuff & just pay me through PayPal.

Natalia, I'd be happy to teach you, but let me warn you, it's a worse addiction than crack.

Jess, it thrills me no end to hear people tell me how much they enjoy my goodies. Thanx!

Natalia said...

You could do an online class!!!
